Friday, June 29, 2012


I went to see Ted tonight.
It was actually really funny. Not really a movie I would go to see with my parents - but I'm sure without the awkwardness of seeing such an inappropriate movie with each other they would really enjoy it. It was chock-full of Boston culture hilarity, something many people in the audience didn't appreciate.

The movie really nailed what the majority of Bostonites are really like and I loved that. It was crude and heartwarming at the same time. You really do forget its actually a teddy bear. Very sweet, twisted movie.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Midnight in Miami

Abby and I had a layover in Miami so we stayed in South Beach for the night. I forgot how hot Miami can get in mid august. This is just a short video of me shopping at Walgreens. 

not a robot

This blog is about me and my life. My travels and adventures. Finding a lot of things out at 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 years old - Christ, I'm old. 

I have a little partner on my adventures. Her name is Abigail Wilson. She is a 6lb Maltese. This little lady is my best friend. I don't know if that says something about me - like not being able to sustain a relationship with another human? Who knows. 

I am currently going through a lot of emotional crap but I don't want to go into that here. You can go over to the "Words to Live by" board on my Pinterest if you want to read my angsty pins.

Who knows what the future holds. My goal is to be happy - no matter what. Happiness, of course, is relative to each person. Every person has a different idea what "happy" looks like. Happiness to one person might be just that, happiness; but to another its a co-dependent hell hole. This goes both ways. 

I considered writing something in the "About Me" section of the blog but... I really don't have much going for me right now. Going into detail will only make me feel sad about myself and my first world problems so again, I won't go into it. 

I digress.

Its been a social media type of day.
I signed up on Influenster today, hopefully I will get sent a VoxBox. I uploaded some videos to my YouTube account and became a partner. I promised myself I would add people back on Facebook and try and use Twitter even though its stupid. Probably would be better if I had people to talk to other than the ones(10,000 at a time)I follow for giveaways. Oh, and I made this blog and shamelessly plugged my crap all over it.

I will say what I think here. Many sentences will begin with "I" because I am a narcissist. I will talk about music to art to hipster nonsense, I will do reviews on products and get political and drool over cloth diapers for the children I do not yet have. I will show you how to function completely on a delicious and nutritious vegan, organic, gluten-free diet and then crave In-N-Out. 

If you want random, you've come to the right place.